· Honey Select 2 Mods; AI Shoujo. Frequently Asked Questions (AI) like LR ones, have almost flat normal maps, so faces rely a lot on the model’s face normals, and for this one in particular, some parts were painfully obvious. Also the diffuse map has a lot of shading on it. So for this girl I decided to completely drop the original color. I get “Abort, you reached your download limit for this file, wait for a bit and try again.” when trying to download. I’ve set up a script to limit the amount of connections per IP to a single file. bruh gibe dat sauce. #42 to #33 - blokrokker. Reply +1. [-] If you get Honey Select, you can add characters by dragging the PNG. doesn't work with any other filesize or dimensions than what I posted. into the folder \ILLUSION\HoneySelect\UserData\chara\female. #37 to #33 - iambadatnaming. Reply +2.
Starlene Clothes Pack Since I've said most of it in the preview I can keep it brief~ This is the first top entry from the last poll. Highly modified to appear closet to the appearance of character "Taihou". For freedom of choice I've added two versions, one of them covers up the cleavage a bit and adds a [ ] See all the posts mods. VR Free Download pre installed videos games from Repacklab with direct PC game torrent links. V *** Honey Select 2 DX Update R here: topfind247.co Repack belongs to CrewThisNoise (Better Repack) you can follow here:topfind247.co
Starlene Clothes Pack Since I’ve said most of it in the preview I can keep it brief~ This is the first top entry from the last poll. Highly modified to appear closet to the appearance of character “Taihou”. For freedom of choice I’ve added two versions, one of them covers up the cleavage a bit and adds a [ ] See all the posts mods. Setup your character, bring up the UI, select your favourite screenshot plugin, select 60 fps, choose to Limit By "Seconds", set the Limit Count to 5 (aka 5 seconds here), optionally select resize if you wish to downscale the video, use the MP4 format with the H codec, don't touch the quality and finally hit "Start Recording". + Download: topfind247.co How to download when link drive limited: topfind247.co