Free image download of uh34d helicopter in flight

True to its Sikorsky heritage, the UHD was tough, dependable, and adaptable. Positioned low in the nose, the UHD's Wright R engine provided a measure of protection for the flight crew and could get the helicopter out of a hot landing zone even after having sustained heavy damage. Helicopter Details. Mission: Utility Helicopter – Personnel transport, combat assault, search and rescue, medical evacuation, cargo transport Service Dates USMC: Manufacturer: Sikorsky Aircraft; Stratford, CT Bureau Number: SIKORSKY HUS-1 (UHD) SEA HORSE. Beginning in , the H served as the primary Marine Corps assault helicopter of the Vietnam War until its. Sikorsky UHD Choctaw. During the summer of , Estrella Warbirds Museum acquired this Sikorsky helicopter to join its growing fleet. As you will note from the pictures below, it is a prime example of what our Restoration Crew faces when they undertake a new project. Completed late January, , this Chocktaw was painted in tribute to Manufacturer: Sikorsky.

H - HELICOPTER U - UTILITY S - SIKORSKY. The UH first flew on 8 March The HUS/UH entered Marine units in This aircraft is best known for its service in Vietnam where at least eight crew members earned the Navy Cross. The Sikorsky H (company designation S) is a piston-engined military helicopter originally designed by American aircraft manufacturer Sikorsky as an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft for the United States has seen extended use when adapted to turbine power by the British licensee as the Westland Wessex and Sikorsky as the later ST.. Hs served, mostly as medium transports. MAIN IMAGE 1 2 3: $ CM US Navy S2F-1 Tracker: Markings for early S2F-1 Trackers of the US Navy in the overall gloss Sea Blue scheme MAIN IMAGE 1: $ CM Sikorsky UHD US Marines: LFour marking options for US Marines UHD helicopters used in Vietnam. Designed for the new MRC/Gallery H kits MAIN IMAGE 1: $ CM

Helicopter in flight overhead. Marines carry wounded comrade to landing site, where helicopter has landed. Marines unload "C" rations from UH34D helicopter and place the wounded Marine aboard the helicopter. They help one ambulatory wounded Marine to board. As helicopter takes off, gunner with M machine gun can be seen in open door. True to its Sikorsky heritage, the UHD was tough, dependable, and adaptable. Positioned low in the nose, the UHD's Wright R engine provided a measure of protection for the flight crew and could get the helicopter out of a hot landing zone even after having sustained heavy damage. National Archives description: "Coverage of two VNAF UHD's spraying defoliant over jungle with Capt. K.J. Schiessl, USAF Adviser to the VNAF th Helicopter Squadron, as pilot on one of the two helicopters. Shows chemicals being loaded aboard aircraft, preflighting UHD, helicopter taking off, flying at low altitude spraying area and landing.


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